Whenever I am watching a show or a movie, I find myself trying to notice every time they switch the camera angle. This course will help me learn about the reasoning behind those camera angle changes as well as the effects that they bring to films. In addition, I look forward to learning about appealing to different types of audiences. Different groups of people will gravitate towards different forms of medias or even different portrayals of it. Another exciting aspect of this course will be to see my finalized magazine once I have completed it. Though it will be a long process, I know the final result will be worth it.
I am concerned about the production of my magazine cover because I do not have much experience with Photoshop or editing. I know I will have to do extra research in order to overcome this barrier. Since I do not have previous experience with photographing, I am concerned about the process of taking the original photographs for the magazine. I will have to experiment with different lighting and backgrounds to determine which looks best. Another one of my concerns is effectively appealing to different types of audiences who may come across my magazine. This will require me to revise my wording to ensure that it will interest different types of people.
Below is a photograph of two people parasailing. I consider this to be an accurate representation of how I feel about this course because it is a new experience for me. Although I have some concerns, I am excited to experiment with different methods to create the ideal magazine.
Overall, I hope to finish off this course with improved editing skills and further knowledge about the filming industry and its various components.
Photograph source:
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vneO4dOX4rE/X2IfQ6_OsaI/AAAAAAAAAAM/HLyYz_8HDDYcAaYfXpB 4g86JfpV3Z8lCACLcBGAsYHQ/s2048/Canva%2B-%2BPhoto%2Bof%2BCouple%2BParasailing.jpg
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