Last week, I recorded my questionnaire results. Today, I will be analyzing them to determine the next steps I will take to create my magazine.
The demographics questions I asked showed me that most of the responses came from females between 17 to 18. I received responses from Black, white, Asian, and Hispanic students. I must create my magazine in a way that is appealing and welcoming to all races and ethnicities.
The majority of the students voted that they do not feel their racial group is underrepresented in hip-hop magazines, but some students still voted otherwise. Most of the students who voiced this opinion were white Hispanics and one of them was Black.
Most of the voters said that I should use a color scheme with neutral colors for my magazine. This is one of the most helpful aspects of the questionnaire for me because I have been unable to decide on a color scheme.
In addition, the top two categories that my audience voted to see are artists' insights on unreleased music followed by artist interviews. This is proof that it is important to maintain engagement from the artists my magazine features in order to keep my audience attracted and motivated to read. Most also voted that my magazine should focus on groups of various artists, as opposed to focusing on only one.
Regarding my magazine's cover, a large majority voted that the magazine cover features a Black female hip-hop artist. 50% voted that it should be a medium shot of my artist, though 25% voted for a medium close-up and the other 25% voted for a long shot. I may experiment with all different shots and decide what looks best for my cover.
I am glad I conducted this survey, as the results have been very helpful for me. It has helped solidify my plan for my magazine. I look forward to continuing to share the process.
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