Today I will compare several magazine covers' color schemes to continue brainstorming for my own. The color palette will be under each cover picture.
Evaluation Question 1: How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
Below is the link to my YouTube video: Transcript Hello. My name is Kelly Lopez, and I will be answering compulsory question 1. The question is "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?" Throughout my magazine I incorporated images such as the cover image on the cover page. I had mastheads, a barcode, subheadings, a tagline, an issue number, a date, columns, editor information, and even color schemes. I maintained the color scheme throughout the cover page, the contents page, and the double page spread. I kept my fonts the same for my cover page as opposed to using alternating ones throughout. I felt that this helped make my cover more aesthetically pleasing and more simplistic. I tried to ensure that any images featured were always the center of the attention in the design. In one way or another everything else on the page ensured that the readers stayed captivated and that they focu...
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